The FixableTax Times® News Letter
- Drug Dealer Feared IRS, Not Police!
- Tax Worker Held for Fraud
- Visiting a Brothel to do Research? Keep Receipts!
- Man Guilty in Freemen IRS Scheme
- IRS Throws Cy Young Award Winner Randy Jones a Curve Ball…but They Didn’t Get the Strikeout!
- Don’t Wait Until It’s too Late! Yes, You…
- Let Me Tell You a Dirty Little Secret That the IRS Will Never Tell You…
- Many Taxpayers Make the Mistake of not Taking Advantage of the bad Times in Life to end IRS Problems
Drug Dealer Feared IRS, Not Police!
As he ran roughshod over the nation’s drug laws, marijuana trafficker Barry Wayne Alburtis diligently obeyed the tax codes by including illegal profits on his tax returns.
Alburtis, 48, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for his part in a smuggling operation that moved tractor-trailer loads of marijuana, and, authorities claim, once hid $400,000 in the hollowed seats of a canoe which was then strapped to a car and driven from Washington, D.C., to San Antonio.
Prosecutors, who convicted Alburtis of distributing marijuana and money laundering , only could speculate as to why the San Antonio resident frequently listed hundreds of thousands of dollars in income while refusing to disclose its source.
In 1986, Alburtis claimed $280,000 in income but cited his right not to reveal incriminating information and declined to show the income source. “Privileged — 5th Amendment” is all an attached form states.
“For some reason or another he was more afraid of the Internal Revenue Service than the Drug Enforcement Administration,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Charlie Strauss said.
Tax Worker Held for Fraud
This here’s a little ditty about death, taxes and stupidity — with a dash of serendipity for good measure.
First, the stupid part: New IRS hire Mai Tuyet Wan, who works in the San Francisco Federal Building, was arrested for stealing two taxpayer-written checks, erasing “Internal Revenue Service” as the payee, and inserting her own name before depositing the checks into her personal checking account.
One of those checks just happened to belong to Dane Gillette, Senior Deputy Attorney General and the pre-eminent death penalty prosecutor in the state. The man who has played a significant role in all six of California’s executions since 1992 and has handled several key capital cases before the California Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
Wan is charged with two counts of embezzlement and one count of concealing, removing or destroying Gillette’s tax return, or at least attempting to do those things. The investigator for the Treasury Department, Special Agent Scott Lee could not immediately be reached through the IRS — and no one at the IRS would comment if the IRS had ensured that it would not penalize Gillette for failing to pay his taxes on time!
Visiting a Brothel to do Research? Keep Receipts!
WASHINGTON — Now, if you were going to write a book on the legal brothels of Nevada, it would be a good idea to visit them. Wouldn’t it?
And to “authenticate the story and develop characters,” it would be a good idea to act as a customer for prostitutes. Wouldn’t it? And, in figuring your income tax, as a professional author, it would be a good idea to deduct the cash paid each prostitute as an “ordinary and necessary expense of doing business.” Wouldn’t it? Well, no, said the Internal Revenue Service.
Among disallowed expenses were the $3,480 cash payments to visit prostitutes. These were “so personal in nature as to preclude their deductibility,” a Tax Court Judge wrote, citing the IRS rule that “no deduction shall be allowed for personal, living or family expenses.”
Man Guilty in Freemen IRS Scheme
LANCASTER, Pa. A Pennsylvania businessman linked to the Montana freemen has pleaded guilty to trying to steal $4.4 million from the federal government, by sending bogus checks from the freemen to the Internal Revenue Service in 1995.Horace E. Groff, 53, of Bowmansville, Pa., pleaded guilty to fraud before U.S. District Court Judge William H. Yohn Jr. on the day his trial was to begin. He faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine on the federal count when he is sentenced and he may also face prosecution on state charges.
Federal authorities accused Groff, the former president of defunct Groff’s Snack Foods Co., a producer of family-recipe potato chips, of trying to erase his $2.6 million tax bill by sending the IRS a bogus check for $4.4 million in 1995 and telling authorities to refund the $1.8 million excess to him.
Prosecutors say Groff tried the scheme with six fraudulent “certified bankers checks” — all signed and guaranteed by freemen leader LeRoy M. Schweitzer. They included a $4.4 million check to the IRS, a $1 million check to the Lancaster County Treasurer, a $52,000 check to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue and a $9,400 check to the Lancaster County Tax Bureau.
IRS Throws Cy Young Award Winner Randy Jones a Curve Ball…but They Didn’t Get the Strikeout!

Poway, CA. The easily approachable and personable Randy Jones became famous as one of the outstanding Major league baseball pitchers in the 1970’s and ’80’s
After prevailing in his well-documented battle with the IRS, he now brings his “major league” style of excellence to the prepared foods business, as head of his own flourishing corporation. Included in his current roster of activities is his signature line of Ballpark Barbeque food products, a major Southern California catering and special events company, the historic Big Stone Lodge Restaurant near San Diego, and a system of Barbeque Express quick service restaurants serving his own foods.
While earning his bachelor’s degree in business administration at Chapman University, in Orange, California, Randy was a stalwart of the school baseball team. Drafted by the San Diego Padres, in 1976 he won the Cy Young Award, baseball’s top pitching accolade. His record was 22-14 as he set the Padres record of 316 innings pitched, with 25 complete games. Randy’s achievements were also recognized when he was selected National League starting pitcher in the 1976 All-Star Game. The previous season he was San Diego’s first pitcher to appear in an All-Star Game.
In a candid interview, Randy said, “If you’ve got an IRS problem, I feel your pain, brother… I lived through an IRS nightmare, myself. But there’s hope because there’s a way out. Imagine waking up without having to worry about the IRS taking your bank account, your wages, or even your car or home. The IRS is cutting deals and if you’ve got the right attorney protecting you, you’re looking at big savings, maybe even thousands in back taxes. Well, do yourself and your family a favor and request the free report provided by the San Diego tax attorney who I think is the best. Dave Greenberg’s report talks about his breakthrough technique that could finally get the IRS off your back and save you mucho bucks in the process!”
Request the Free Report that could change your life…
You don’t have to let the IRS ruin your life! Call Now.
Don’t Wait Until It’s too Late! Yes, You…
I hate seeing taxpayers who I could really have helped if they had only come to see me earlier. I’m talking about taxpayers who, for whatever reason, just can’t stand the thought of even talking about their IRS Problems.
It just burns them up to think about how screwed up they’ve got their own finances. Many of them are trying to imitate Ostriches by sticking their heads in the ground and hoping that either the IRS forgets or won’t find them.
Well, I’ve got news for them… IRS problems ALWAYS get worse before they get better. You need to know when is the BEST TIME to deal with your IRS Problems. The only possible way for you to know that BEST TIME is by getting professional advice. IN ADVANCE!!!!
Let Me Tell You a Dirty Little Secret That the IRS Will Never Tell You…
“The Best Time to Deal With the IRS is When You’re Down and Out.”
When you think it can’t get any worse is the best possible time to scrape together the money to hire a professional to end the inevitable. You know in your gut those IRS problems won’t go away by themselves.
Having a professional wrap their arms around you and your family can give you the confidence to go on with day-to-day living and let them fight the fight. This allows you to stop worrying about threatening phone calls, certified letters or the KNOCK AT THE DOOR…it lets you concentrate on earning a living and getting on with your life.
Many Taxpayers Make the Mistake of not Taking Advantage of the bad Times in Life to end IRS Problems.
Believe me, taxpayers that are upside-down financially are usually in fantastic shape for ending IRS problems. Take advantage of this temporary condition. Life may get better…but IRS problems will still be there. Many taxpayers qualify for IRS programs that allow them to pay only pennies on the dollar for taxes, penalties and interest.
If you or anyone else you know is imitating an Ostrich …this is your chance to pull your head out and get some free advice. What have you got to lose?
Call my office today to set a Free Confidential Consultation and discuss your options. If you know someone else with IRS Problems, call for them. You’ll be doing them a great favor and it’s FREE. Call Today!
At the Law Office of David S. Greenberg, we are pleased to offer Free Consultations.
Learn What the IRS Will Never Tell you!
Call today to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION!
Our Office Hours are: 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Our Phone Number is: (619) 501-5251
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Our Address is: 1550 Hotel Cir N #220 San Diego, CA 92108